Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Hacking the title bar of Internet explorer

Today I tell you how to edit the title bar of Internet explorer.
For this you need to open your registry.

To open registry go to run and type regedit and hit enter.

Now browse to the following value:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main]

Now on the right pane window you can see the key named as Window title, double click to edit the value and put your desired text that you want to display in the value field.

There is another way to do this also. just copy and paste the code below in notepad:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main]"Window Title"=""
now save the notepad with any name but the extension must be .reg
So for example if name of notepad is pr3dat0r then I save it as pr3dat0r.reg

If you don't find this key on right pane window, then you can create it too.
Right click on right pane and select new REG_SZ value.
Then in the name field type Window Title and press OK.
After the key has been created double click on it and put your desired text in value field and click OK.
Then press F5 key.

Sometimes you need to restart the machine/computer to see the changes.
I will not be responsible if you mess up with your registry settings. Better make a backup of your registry. Don't change any value until you know what it is about?

Monday, October 3, 2011

Folder Password protect Software

 Password protect your folder and Data by using these software. With this software you can add password to a folder and keep your personal stuff safe in it. 
 For Download: Click Here