Saturday, July 17, 2010

How to protect yourself from keylogger..

Keylogger is a stealth software or hardware that is installed on victim's machine to log the keystrokes that are typed by victim. By stealth it means that there is no evidence left on machine that can tell whether the software keylogger is installed or not, but the hardware keylogger can be detected easily. Now a days there are advance features in keyloggers that can log keys, capture screen shots, passwords , chats, emails and also mail the log to the attacker(one who installed keylogger).
Now how to avoid your keystrokes to be not logged. First of all u can use antikeylogger software that prohibits the keylogger from logging any thing. Anti-spyware can also detect keyloggers and delete them.
But all keyloggers are not detected so there is alternative to defend them.
As keylogger logs the keyboard keys, so avoid using hardware keyboard and use Onscreen keyboard from utility manager in windows.
But still some keyloggers can detect that poor windows online keyboard.
So now u can use Neo-safekeys software. it also provides onscreen keyboard but it is not detected by the keyloggers. Download Neo-safe keys from here: Click here
Thus enjoy safe keystriking.
This technique works for both H/W & S/W keyloggers.

Hardware keyloggers can be detected easily because they are attached to the wire that connects the keyboard and CPU cabin. just check that wire if u found a small hardware in shape of portable usb stick that maybe keylogger.

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