Monday, August 16, 2010

Google's Cookie a threat

Google has been great search engine for all of us and it will remain.
But what if it steals your identity when you use it. Don't you feel infuriated about this fact. This is done by Google using google's cookie.
Google keep tracks of the user by recording the IP address and search items/keywords that the user was searching in google. They also record the timestamp when you made this search which includes Date and Time information. Even the information about the browser you are using is logged. The proof of this fact is when you log in your gmail account look at the extreme below of the page there you can see the IP address and time/date when your account was last used.
So we can ultimately say that google is keeping track of our surfing habits on google. They are stealing your privacy.
Google claims thats it is done to keep preferences about the user so that they can provide appropriate search results to them. ;-) lol
Infact it is true, but still some eccentric people like me don't want their privacy to be cracked.
So in order to remain anonymous you can use several precautions as follow:

1. Try to access google by using proxies. For this you first need to connect a proxy site and then open google to make any search. By doing this, the IP address of proxy site will be logged by google instead of your IP.

2. Use Scroogle instead of google to search anything.
Scroogle work in same way as a proxy, it don't let your IP get logged but scroogle's IP get looged by Click Here for Scroogle

3. You can try searching using meta search engines like etc.

This similar technique is also used by other search engines to track you.

In same way google uses this technique regarding your gmail/orkut account. Infact gmail is mailing service by google. This is the reason how advertisements related to your information and surfing habits are displayed in your gmail/orkut account. For example in case of college/university students they can see that usually the advertisements links that are given in their gmail/orkut account are education institutions, training institutions that provide training/internships , employment/jobs related etc. Moreover this fact can be prooved by fact that most of the institutions/organization that are advertised are from your country or geographical location..!! For eg: If are from america then the institutions/organizations that are mentioned in advertisements links will also be from america. Now as we know that by IP address of a person, we can trace his/her geographical location too. So google team can trace you. Similarly in this way you get spams too. It seems to me that the emails sent by us are also monitored by google. It is based on my personal experience. Like I had an email regarding the Unix book and you can see in the image below that there are advertisements related to unix circled in red in my inbox..!!!

Click Here to view the image properly.
So now solution to this gmail problem is that if you want to remain anonymous then create more than one gmail accounts. Use one for personal use with your real name etc. and use this for legitimate purposes like emails, chatting, blogging, orkut etc. and create one with fake name that you can use for secret evil purposes(that you don't want others to know you better understand what I mean). Now use proxy site to access your fake email account to hide your IP. ;-)

Hope it was informative for you.

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