Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Hack ur Sent to context menu in windows xp

Here is the awy to hack ur Sent To context menu.

whenever u right click on a folder u see option sento from where u can directly sent ur folder to some specified location.
Now u can even add ur drives here so that u can directly send ur folder to d:\ , e:\, anyt drives u have in ur pc.
u can even add notepad and wordpad there or anyother useful programs like some mediaplayer.
u can do it as follow:
First goto to C:\ drive or ur installation directory then goto Documents and settings
double Click on folder that has ur user name
Then double click on SentTo folder.
If u dont find SentTo folder then it may be hidden u can unhide it by going to Tools then goto Folder options then to view now search th line show hidden files and folders untick this thats all.
Now once u have opened the sentTo folder just copy and paste thye shortcut of the items u want to display in sentto menu.
like u can paste shortcut of notepad, ur local drives, etc.

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