Wednesday, March 25, 2009

How to create Hidden user account in XP

Here is a way by which u can create a hidden User account in windows XP. u must be admin to do so. Just follow the following steps .
First goto Control Panel then goto user accounts now create a new user give it any desired name.
Now goto to Run type regedit and hit enter.
Now navigate to following path in registry :

Now on right pane right click anywhere and create a new Dword value give it a name that u have given to new user account u have just created. eg. if i created a account crypto then i'll create a new dword value and give it name crypto.
And the value filed must have value 0 (zero) 0 means account is hidden and 1 means account is visible.
now just exit registry. Now logoff the curent user and on login screen u wont see the account u just created.
Now in order to login to hidden account just press twice Cltr+Alt+Del keys now u will see a login box just type the user name and password if any and u'll be able to login to user hidden account.
This trick may or maynot work according to ur Xp operating system

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