Sunday, March 8, 2009

How to get Ip address of a person

There are several ways as following :

1. If you have a web server hosted someplace where you can see its logs then it's very easy to send someone a URL of an image or any webpage hosted on your web server ( whenever this page is visited the web server keeps a log of who visited that page (IP address, time, browser, OS ... and lots of more info) where you can check later to collect IP addresses.

2. Sometimes people get freaked out from addresses that have ip addresses in the URL so having your webserver with a domain name would really help the person you sent the URL to press on the link eg. (

3. Some people don't open links to unknown sites. So here comes the cool trick. you can embbed the image in a post of yours in a known site that allows HTML tags with image sources like < src =" (your">

4. Some people don't open links at all!! for these people use this trick. Send an email to the target that looks important to him/her (depending on the target actually and what's important to him/her). This email is in HTML format and contains a tag that links to an image on my webserver (probably a white image not to attract attention). Now upon merely opening the email, my webserver is invoked and a log entry is saved about the persons current IP address.

Note that this method only works if the email client allows images to be displayed (gmail disable that by default)

5. A more faster approach is IM. If you have the IM of the target, then it's possible that you try to send him/her a file (a picture or something). upon sending the file, a direct connection is established between you and the target. with a simple connection monitoring application (e.g.netstat command in windows), you can know the Ip address.

6. In MSN messenger, if u don't have the display picture of the person you're talking to, the messenger will try to download it by default. this cause the the MSN to open a direct connection. Using a sniffing tool like wireshark will allow you to know the IP of the remote person. So basically if you don't have his display picture and you opened the chat window you'll get your log entry. You can either convince the target to change his/her display picture or you can remove the your local directory that caches the display pictures for all contacts (located in application data folder for the msn) to force the messenger to redownload the picture.

7. Use Pidgin Software for chatting it has option to get ip of other person.

8. U can also get ip from email of person for that u need to look carefully in header of mail for ip
There you can find all servers and also the client host this email passed through. The first server in header is mostly the host of your own email, then follow some email gateways and the last one is the client that sent the message. but the problem is that most people use web mail these days.. and web mail usually removes the originating ip from the header. or puts the ip of the web server on which the web mail is hosted.

9. Try social engineering { Social engineering means trying to elicit information from people by asking them questions in such a way that they are unaware about the concequences/results of providing information to u. like if u wanna hack password of someones email id then try social engineering with the victim. ask questions to victim to elicit personal information of victim like D.O.B, pets name. girlfriend's/boyfriend's name etc. all that stuff that u think can be its password}
like asking the person his/her ip in kewl cunning way by saying that u are a technician and u need ip for solving some network problem or say something similar like that.

Source : Internet

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