Monday, March 23, 2009

LAN flodder code snippet

Here is a batch code that can be used to flood ur LAN. The only requirement is that the messenger service must be enabled in ur LAN. U can enable it by following steps but u must be admin.

Go to to run type compmgmt.msc hit enter

now on left pane double click on Services and Applications

on right pane double click on Services

then on right pane double click on Messenger

in Start up type choose Automatic then click start and exit.

So now here is the code of flodder type following in notepad:

net send * Your message here

the command is net then space then send then space then * then space then ur message.
now save as this notepad with name flodder.bat double click it to execute. Where i have written Your message u can replace that with what message u wanna sent t flood.

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